2016年3月31日 星期四

Dr. Mei Ko-wang

Dr. Mei Ko-wang
Dr. Mei Ko-wang and Li-chang Kuo
Dr. Mei Ko-wang (梅可望) who past away this morning at the age of one hundred year-old. Dr. Mei was former president of Tunghai University and Police University.
Recall that Dr. Mei gave me and my wife many blessings in the past decades; I can not help but mourn this elder as father figure. He’s a great educators, and I’m just an ordinary craftsman; however, God links us to do something good for the society like “Resolving the Unemployment Problems”. We’re looking for the century to come for application of our invention for solving unemployment as the necessary infrastructures completed. My wife Linda Din wrote a book “A Daughter of National-defense Industry Employee”(國防雇員的女兒) to describe how to use her invention for our country people who can work at home to earn the global money via internet of things. Dr. Mei wrote “Foreword” for her book. Unexpectedly, we met the entities of corruption in Taiwan. The furious attacks came from public sectors that combined with corrupt entities. We’re overwhelmed and almost to die in addition to ‘lost our properties’, Dr. Mei always encouraged us ‘Be Strong and Take Heart’, although he’s also harassed by those evildoers. In this January, I and Linda went to the dormitory of Tunghai University to see him and his wife Aunt Mei. Dr. Mei still concerned our mission goal. We originally planned to see them again in the Ching-Ming Festival by Sunday (April 3); however, we can only do mourn and remember him in the bottom of our hearts. 

Dr. Mei Ko-wang wrote “Foreward” for Linda Din’s book


A Daughter of National-defense Industry Employee
By Dr. Mei Ko-wang
Era creates talent, talent also creates era. ” This is a principle of development in human society. Different time requires differential talent people, and likewise, special people will found special age. A paradigm in the United States is Bill Gates.
In Taiwan, many people involved in the research and creation, some of them even thought themselves were Thomas A. Edison. However, it’s rare for those who have been truly preserving the spirit of innovation and invention, and benefiting the public, society and country by their results in the method of business management. If there was above mentioned person, I must recommend Ms. Linda Din because she indeed is a female legend with “Tech-Creator + Business Management + Social Concern!”
It’s probably not many recognized that “Who is this female legend?” For the sake of she has not yet owned the wealth enough like Bill Gates. Her fame did not same as Mr. Yong-ching Wang of Taiwan, and Dr. Lee Yuan-zhe has still led the field of technology.
Nevertheless, if you realized Ms. Din’s strive experience for two decades or more, in addition to her contribution of innovation and invention and business management, you will astonish that “How is Taiwan able to conceive this kind of talent person in certain level.” Meanwhile, a woman, a good wife and mother, a devout Buddhist; particularly, she’s a filial daughter, one of doers in the traditional Chinese virtue.
Scientist, Entrepreneur, Buddhist, Confucian-orthodoxy Practitioner plus Inventor”-- such a strange "mixture" or "synthetic products" who is able actually to cause success and is even known around the international. Is she not a female legend, then what is she?
To read this written by herself as “autobiographical" work carefully, you will have sympathy tears, and there will be a sincere admiration, more infinite blessings to her hard work, her extraordinary insight, her courage and dedication, as well as her love and social concern, above of all will make you move. Be honest, the human being like Ms. Din should be “rare creature” either in Taiwan or in the world.
Her imagination is beyond the others, such as: knowledge-based economy" is subject to attain by "intellectual industry"; "not-for-profit" and "profit" must complement each other to be successful; "progressive and charity" are created as the corporate culture of create the corporate culture of; "unemployment" depends on "start a business" to resolve; "lifetime employment" should be instead of "lifelong learning"; "sustainable" jobs should be in a cycle of "five years" and etc., are not mentioned by the predecessors, very correct and visionary, and in line with this very twenty-first century era!
There’re peculiar places within Ms. Din’s family, she has been expelled from home by her husband's mother for the family business, but her mother-in-law as failed, she still reached her hands not remembered old animosity but in forgiveness and sustainable love, shown on her unrivaled mind, it’s not easy and valuable.
The affections of her own grandma and father were great; Ms. Din realized the truth of compassion from her grandma, and gained the spirit of the technology from her father. However, I believed that her husband should have certain affected to her; Li-chang Kuo, her husband is a practitioner of “Incubator” movement, very indulged in the innovation and invention, really minded pair, no wonder they are supporting in the adversities and joy each other on the way of lifetime, and creating the new tech-field of their own.
I am genuinely blessing to Ms Din who is a female legend of the e era, this tech-entrepreneur humbly named herself as “A Daughter of National-defense Industry Employee”. This book will bring a lot of achievement and rejoice to the people of enterprises around the country.

Mei Ko-wang

At “Taiwan Regional Development Institute”